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Fuel Filters for
Ford 2000, 2600, 2610, 2910 Tractor
Ford 3000, 3230, 3430, 3600, 3610, 3910, 3930 Tractor
Ford 4000, 4100, 4110, 4130, 4600, 46101 4630, 4830 Tractor
Ford 5000, 5110, 5600, 5610 Tractor
Ford 6600, 6610, 6710, 6810 Tractor
Ford 7000, 7600, 7610, 7700, 7710 Tractor
all above with Ford BSD332 BSD326 BSD329 3-Cyl Diesel Engine
Ford BSD330 BSD333 3-Cyl Diesel Engine
Ford BSD438 BSD442 BSD444 4-Cyl Diesel Engine 


replaces C7NN9176A, D8NN9N074AA

2x Fuel Filters Ford 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 7000, 8000, 9000

GST Included |
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