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 Litre Light Grey Paint Very Close To Original Battleship Grey

To Suit :
Ferguson  TE20 TEA20 TED20 TEF20  tractors


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Agricolour is a professional grade synthetic resin paint specifically designed for the agricultural sector that provides a durable and quality finish. Encompassing a wide range of colours covering most machinery used in the agricultural sector and coming in a modern tin design which includes a visible sight glass for paint identification, peel off safety data label in multiple languages.
Suitable for tractors, implements, machinery and other agricultural applications.
Agricolour is a market leader in:
UV resistance
Adhesion strength
Gloss retention
Drying times
Brand Agricolour
Colour Disclaimer : 
Actual product colour may vary from the images shown. Every monitor and mobile device has different capabilities to display colours, and every individual may see these colours differently.
Drying Times Dust free
12mins @ 20 °C
Drying Times Hard Dry
3.5h @ 20 °C
Drying Times Touch free 

45mins @ 20 °C

Suitable for Material


Surface Preparation

Ensure all surfaces are clean, dry and free from rust, grease, oil and any other contaminates. Abrade surface.


Ferguson Tractor Light Grey Gloss Enamel 1 L Paint TE20 TEA20 TED20

GST Included |
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